Relationships Are at the Core of Successful Businesses
We all know that relationships are the core of business — and if you didn’t know, plan to read this blog post on business relationships, too! From networking to maintaining your current client/customers, to cultivating new customers, vendors, or employee relationships, it’s important to make those relationships a priority. Holiday gifts, thank you gifts, or you-did-a-great-job gift/acknowledgement can go a long way toward making those relationships really strong … especially when you choose more creative gift-giving ideas.
People like to be acknowledged. They like to be seen and appreciated. And when they are, they usually give back in ways that truly help your business. Although this is important ALL YEAR LONG, the holiday season is a great time to start thinking about how you can show your appreciation for an individual or business that has made a difference to YOUR business!
Creative Gift-Giving Ideas
Below, I’ve compiled a list of some innovative ideas for gift giving. These are different ideas that will help you show appreciation for your customer/clients, best vendors, and/or employees that really went the extra mile.
Obviously, you know your budget for this type of thing, so even if some of these won’t work for you now, I’m hoping it’ll have you thinking creatively for when you are ready to take advantage of ideas like these.

Aura Photography with Nicole Majik: A Fun & Magical Gift!
Fun and mystical … what’s not to love?! Aura photography captures the colors of our energy and gives insight to one’s physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological states. And people LOVE learning what color their energy state is and what it all means! An aura photo and reading with Nicole is like no other. Having seen energy and auras all her life Nicole’s reading is unique and tailored to each individual.
This is a great option if you have clients/customers who have employees — what a great option for a holiday party or employee team building event!

Scout & Cellar Clean-Crafted Wine
Scout and Cellar Clean-crafted™ Wine gift sets available for special scheduled free shipping NOW through the holidays!
- Join Scout Circle for Amazing Exclusive wines
- Free Shipping all year long
- No fees to join or cancel
- Cancel any time
- Special gifts in select shipments
- Makes a fantastic gift!
Wine Consultant, Lynn Gallant, says that Scout & Cellar offers a single bottle, one-time purchases as well as lovely gift-set options, and an easy, convenient Scout Circle Wine Club. To order or learn more, visit Lynn’s Scout & Cellar website!

Send Out Cards: A Great Way to Keep in Front of Your Customers!
SendOutCards makes it easy to build lasting relationships with your clients, family, and friends by making it easy to send cards and gifts to make sure they feel appreciated.
Representative Dot Richards says, “It’s hard to pick just one gift to highlight, but the Scrumptious Small Assortment is one of my favorites. But we have so many seasonal and year long gift options for you to express gratitude, say you’re thinking of someone, or to simply help nurture a relationship … everyone loves receiving gifts and cards in the mail!”
To learn more, visit Dot’s website!

Give the Gift of Prosperity!
Perhaps you work in an arena supporting women going through a divorce or who are struggling post-divorce. This book from Michelle Jacobik would make a helpful gift.
Michelle shares how our finances are a powerful gateway to reclaiming ourselves and finding fulfillment in all areas of our lives. Why? Because money is linked to our deepest identifications with security, fulfillment, stability, and freedom.
With a practical, funny, no-nonsense approach, Michelle weaves her own story and stories from her clients around the practical aspects of her Lifestyle Re-Design Planning™ process to help women of all ages and means find true prosperity after divorce.

Have Small Business/Entrepreneur Clients?
We know relationships drive business, especially small businesses! Michael Whitehouse has the perfect book to help business owners successfully navigate the networking field: The Guy Who Knows A Guy.
Michael Whitehouse is an entrepreneur, coach, author, and networker. With over 18 years of experience running a business and working with unique organizations, Michael has built a considerable toolbox of resources for solving problems for entrepreneurs.
Buy The Guy Who Knows a Guy for your small business owner and entrepreneurial clients!

Give the Gift of Joyful Memories
This is a delightful gift for anyone!
For the holidays, Melody Paine, owner of Imperfect Joy, created a special offering called Mini Film Christmas Cards. They are offered either as an experience at a local tree farm or as a way to capture family traditions in the home.
At a time when the Holidays will look very different for many families, we wanted to provide a way for stories to keep us together, and as a bonus, busy families with kids at home 24/7 don’t need to address and stamp cards this year. They can send their digital films quickly and easily with all of their loved ones.

Give the Gift of Connection
This could be a helpful and welcome gift for anyone who may be struggling as they work from home while also dealing with kids’ homeschooling or needing to share office space with their significant other for the first time.
You may know a customer/client, or colleague who has shared that they’re experiencing disconnects with their quarantine family … someone talks too much, someone asks too many questions, someone starts barking orders, someone just wants to be left alone …
Here’s an opportunity to give the gift of connection and self awareness with Diane Cane’s DISC Personality Profile Assessment!
Your Gift-Giving Ideas
What other ways do you keep in touch with your clients, customers, and vendors? How do you show appreciation? I’d love to hear some of your ideas … comment or send me an email!